Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I need to find a picture of my whole family so I can show off how incredibly blessed I am. My brother and sister are truly my best friends that I couldn't live without. Our spontaneous music videos, outbursts of laughter, and random comments make us one of a kind. We just get each other. With the addition of Jenny to the family, the puzzle has really come together. She couldn't be a better fit. I am definitely happiest when we are all together. One day, as Jonny said, we all have to live by each other so we can bring our kids up to be best friends like us!


Unknown said...

I love how Jonny and I look really retarded in this picture and you and Jenny are normal looking...

Momma O said...

You kids are so cute!!!
You must have a beautiful Mother.

Jon said...

Yay for me and Sarah, the retarded kids! i look like i have red hair. that scares jenny a little. Guess what, i buzzed my head for kickcs and giggles like i used to in kindergarten. I love it, it feels like dirt.

Jon said...

yes we do have a very beautiful mother...she reminds me of a swan princess, or a magical fairy that sprinkles this fairy dust on you that makes you feel good and stuff. Yes our mother has beautiful magical powers.

Jessica said...

lol...I love my retarded sibling and my beautiful and accoring to Jonathan, magical mother! You guys are the breast!

Mary Dawn said...

You have a blog. I"m all over this. i'm obsessed with you.